December 02, 2019 | The Canadian Arctic
We're honoured to be featured in Condé Nast's recent story "20 Best Places to Go in 2020"
Written by Brandon Presser: “The Canadian Arctic is “the world’s last and most pristine wilderness, with places man has not walked upon for over 500 years,” says Tessum Weber, a member of the esteemed family of explorers that runs Weber Arctic. It’s the ultimate destination for travelers, with a certain starkness that only polar regions can provide—though it’s rapidly losing its battle with the ever-rising tides. “Climate change is affecting the Canadian Arctic at more than twice the rate of anywhere else on Earth,” Weber says. “Simply put: The North is melting.” ”. Read the full article here.
For more than 30 years, our family and team has explored the Arctic and led guests from across the globe to see the wonders of the Arctic first hand.
The Canadian Arctic is a world that is rapidly evolving due to climate change. We’ve seen significant changes at our lodges in the past ten years alone, including wildlife migrations changing to accommodate new weather patterns and temperatures, receding ice on the Northwest Passage, the northward movement of insects, retreating ice caps and more. It’s a trend that is speeding up with an uncertain result to come.
On behalf of the entire team at Weber Arctic, we’re really pleased to see Condé Nast mention climate change and the importance on visiting before it changes permanently, in their story.
We understand that booking a trip like this is a big endeavour. Please reach out to us with any questions that you might have regarding your upcoming adventure.